How Strong is Your Network?

Our Thoughts
April 29, 2019

We’ve all heard how important it is to take a break and “recharge our batteries.”  But have you thought about taking a break to “rev up and recharge your career network?” One of things I often hear from leadership candidates and hiring managers alike is “I’ve been so busy that I don’t spend any time networking.”  The reasons vary from, I don’t have time, or I just don’t have the energy to do that after work or I’m just not good at networking, etc.  Always lots of reasons.  Does it take some effort?  Sure, it does – but the rewards can be great.  

According to Fast Company, surveys show that nearly 85% of employees have found or obtained their job via external networking.  So yes, it is important –a long-term plan is needed because you never know when you might need help from a network connection made last month or several years ago.  And there is more to this than making a connection and then never being in touch until someone’s help is needed years later. It really is about building career relationships (and don’t worry this doesn’t mean everyone in your network needs to be your best friend.)  If that were to happen it would be a great benefit, but really what you want are good business acquaintances. Let’s discuss the best sources to expand your network.

Social Media – There are a multitude of social media platforms (you know the popular ones) and these can be great; however, it is important to recognize these are often “broadly and lightly” platforms with a massive number of people.  There is nothing wrong with having a lot of such connections and you might be able to call on these sources when looking for your next role; however, if confidentially is a priority this might be a little tough.  And let’s face it, a lot of people who are connected electronically really don’t know each other at all. But nonetheless, social media is still a great place to expand your network.    

Conferences - If you attend conferences for work, especially if you attend a particular conference every year, this is a great and natural place to grow, expand and nurture your network. Here is a pitfall I see a lot of people fall into: when attending a conference or meeting, don’t spend most of your time talking to and sitting by others from your company.  This is our natural inclination, but try to spend time meeting new attendees, and reconnect with others you’ve met before that you found interesting and engaging.  Remember to ask questions of each new contact about their work and life. Listen, get their business card and make a little note on the back about them, so you can recall them later and when you reach out. This way you can share something you learned about them or from them even if it is sometime later.  Sometimes when going to attend the same conference/meeting you’ve been going to for years – go with a goal of meeting a certain number of new people over the course of the day or week.  That might make it a bit more interesting.

Local Groups – Join a local trade or industry organization; pick one that is of interest and you know gets together at least a few times a year or more.  Consider one that might stretch you a little bit, where you can meet others in your industry, a related industry or a new area you’ve been interested in and want to explore further.  And it might be good to join a group where you know very few people or no one – it might feel a little awkward at first, but after attending a few events/meetings you with begin to recognize and meet more people. This is a great way to expand your network.  

As you are meeting and visiting with new colleagues, especially if someone offers a connection or information, be sure and ask if there is anything you can do to assist them.  This small gesture is often a pleasant surprise to new contacts.  And of course, if you say you are going to do something be sure and follow up on it. Networking is a relationship and trust building endeavor.  And who knows,through this effort, you might just make some new lifelong great friends along the way and make it a whole lot easier on yourself the next time you are looking for your next career move.    


Lu Miller is a Principal & SVP of Business Development at Morgan Consulting Resources, a healthcare executive search firm celebrating over 20 successful years in business.